Friday, July 16, 2010

Colorful Meals

Have you ever wonder what intrigues to eat foods, other than the smells, how about color?

Research has proven that to get kids to eat healthy make their meals and colorful. Otherwise they are less likely to eat it.

Well...also make it taste good, and be an example to your kids and eat healthy foods.

If my 9 month old daughter see's me eating a carrot stick, she wants it too. I give her a big stick so she can gnaw on it.

My old nanny boss, now of my closest friend's Mary, told me to mix up the colors in childrens foods to keep them intrigued.

That made me think, the same goes for adults.

If I were to make macaroni cheese and applesauce how boring does that look? Trust me, very boring.

Okay what could I do to make that Macaroni and Cheese more colorful. After you cook it, add chopped tomatoes, green onion, canned chicken or tuna for protein. Much more colorful.

Salads starting to get old?? Add red onion, tomatoes, cucumbers, or even bell peppers!

I go out of my way to make my food more colorful now, it's like a treat for me.

Why do you think you like places like McDonalds, they take advantage of the colors, red and yellow, because they make you hungry.

Next time you think your dish looks boring add some color to it with fresh fruits or vegetables! Yum-O!

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