Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm having an off week

My hunger seems out of control this week big time, somethings that I rarely ever have, have been sneaking their way into my house. Like Donuts, and Ice Cream.
It's insane, I feel I like I've lost it and I have failed. But have I? I may have goofed, but how bad am I?

I was feeling sick this last weekend, barely ate. Is this the cause of what seems to be uncontrollable hunger, eating until I'm stuffed and wanting to eat more. Weird. I don't like this.
I'm thinking maybe I didn't have enough water, or enough fruits and vegetables. That could be it.
Is it just in my head...I hope soo. I haven't slept very well at all this entire week.I haven't been able to go to the gym this entire week. Oh my goodness, I'm being a very bad girl.
Maybe exercising will fix this problem. I can't go to the gym tomorrow, but I can go running. Must go running. Must go, I cannot fall backwards.

I'm also very afriad to weigh myself. Not good at all, and May is coming fast.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Balance Heart Rate Monitor

Ooooooh my goodness I wish I had posted this a lot sooner. I want to tell you about a gift I got for my Birthday.
My new New Balance Heart Rate Monitor.

I've wanted one so bad so I can know if I'm actually doing the right thing when I am exercising, making sure my heart rate is where it's suppose to be at.
Personally, I like it, it works well for me right now. I wish I had gotten it off of Amazon I would have gotten a better deal. But anyways, let's get back to the monitor.
I've discovered at my exercising heart rate which is like 160 for me, I'm burning 3 calories every 10 seconds. Nice to know!
It's also nice that this monitor can go on my wrist, like a watch, and all I have to do it touch the monitor for 8 Seconds it reads my heart rate.
This what I have to do periodically throughout my run to get accurate calories. I do have to admit this can be slightly annoying. I have to stop the calorie counter, then measure my Heart Rate, then start the calorie counter again. I have to repeat this step periodically throughout my workout in order to get an accurate calorie count. The slightly annoying part is I have to stop for 20 seconds to do it.
I've already decided that once this one breaks I will buy a Heart Rate monitor that checks my heart rate all the time without me stopping. There must be one out there. Until then this one will do.

I do like it. Don't get wrong, I LOVE KNOWING how many calories I'm actually burning. It works for me! :D
The Hear Rate Monitor I got is the New Balance Hrt Fit monitor. I wish I had gotten the Hrt Fit++ monitor, but it was 20dollars more than I was willing to use with my Birthday money. And the reason I want that one is because it takes weight into factor when counting calories, or monitoring my heart rate, which would give me an even more accurate reading. That is why I would rather have that one. Can you blame me seriously??
Nope you can't :)

The specs on the Monitor I got are.

Calorie Monitor, Heart Rate Monitor, Finger Touch Technology, time/date/alarm, 100hour chronograph, 50m water resistant.

I would suggest the one I wanted. Hrt Fit++.

But I do think the Heart Rate monitor I got is the best for me since I'm not a pro yet.
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