Monday, July 12, 2010

Basic Rules To Losing Weight

There are Basic Rules to losing weight, that everyone needs to know.

1. Eat every 4 hours, nothing in between except water.

2. Eat 3 meals, and 1 snack a day.

3. Every meal should have a little protein it.

4. Dinner should be the smallest meal.

5. Don't eat after 9:00pm- A hormone called Grehlin is a growth hormone that builds muscle, and burns fat while you sleep. It's also the same hormone that makes us feel hungry, rest assured feeling hungry after 9pm is okay, because you will be building muscles instead.

6. Eat within 1 hour of waking up.

7. Never exercise on empty stomach, because you'll end up burning off lean muscle, instead of fat. Your body needs fuel to get it jump started to burn that fat off.

8. Exercise within 45-60minutes after eating, so you have fuel in your body to burn, but won't get nausea.

9. Drink lots of Water. It's important to stay hydrated. Drink 1 quart per every 50 pounds of body weight.

10. Count your calories!! And keep a food log in a notebook, or on your computer. It's important to know how many calories you are consuming. Whether it's from food or drinks.

Average size woman trying to lose weight should consume 1200-1400 calories.
Overweight woman trying to lose weight should consume between 1400-1600 calories.
Overweight man should consume 1600-1900 calories a day.

Never go below 1200 calories a day, it's bad for the body and can cause Malnutrition. Very Bad. Especially when the body starts breaking down lean muscle to burn for fuel.

(Calorie Consuming Information comes from the American Diabetic Association)

11. Exercise 1 hour 5 times a week. Take 2 days off, for Example my days off are Sunday and Wednesday. It's important for our body's to have a chance to recover, and rebuild.

12. Strength training and cardio, building lean muscle will help burn more calories, than with just doing cardio alone.

FYI I learned this stuff mostly from Jillian Michaels, a certified trainer.

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