Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Just Do it...Thats my motto when I'm being lazy

When I'm feeling tired, stressed, sinus problems...and the thought of skipping hiking enters my mind. Then I think I'll regret it later, and if I Just Do it I will feel better.

 Research has proven the hiking relieves cramps, headaches, and sinus congestion. Also has psychological advantages as well, raising the happy hormones in our bodies to get rid of depression. All things my OBGYN, Nutritionist, and Pyschiatrist backed me up on. because I already believed that to be true.

Even when I'm sick I go hiking...okay strike that. There is limitation to that, anything problems below the neck stay home and rest. Anything above the neck go exercise. For me, I'm asthmatic and I cough all the time. So it has to be gunky cough to get me to stay home. As for Cramps, you know what I'm talking about ladies I still go hiking, because getting my blood pumping helps relieve them.  This information I got from the Noom App . I totally suggest downloading it it has interesting articles on it.

Also, schedule life around exercising. Come on if you have time to watch TV/DVR/Tivo or movies, you have time to exercise. That's what I realized. If I have time to sit on my butt, I have time to exercise. I have made the effort to put in the schedule  to exercise just do it.

So basically my dears, when I'm feeling lazy, or tired and it's time to exercise. Just do it!!

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