Friday, July 30, 2010

Mind over Body

If you're thinking no I can't do this, or oh that looks hard. Well then you are the one stopping yourself from success, no one else is stopping you from doing something or even succeeding.

Before I got pregnant with my daughter I was trying to lose weight, and it was before I even knew how much I weighed. I went to the gym , did the elliptical like I normally would do when I was skinny, I was at 14 resistance level for 30minutes. My mom said I lost a lot of weight doing that. Then I bought a weight scale, and I weighed myself I was so disappointed in myself when I saw how much I weighed. You really have know we I lost 80 pounds 5 years before, doing hiking, going to the gym, watching what I ate. I practically had kept it off for that long, I flucuated a little bit maybe 0-30 pounds, but I did good. I only did level 7 resistance, for only 20 minutes, it's once I knew how much I weighed, I lost faith in myself.

When I got married to my sweet husband, I was in school, my sister in law was living with us in a small apartment, the whole thing was a horrible situation, I was stuck, I felt alone, and I was depressed. Instead of doing what I normally did,  exercise and eat right to keep my depression away, I ate and I did nothing when I got home from work. You have to understand that the sametime this was going on, I was having serious sinus problems that benadryl couldn't even fix. I was groggy, my head felt like it weighed a ton. I was miserable, getting fat, and had no insurance. I gained 100hundred pounds in 6 months and didn't even know it. Of course I tried to lose the weight, I lost 30 pounds, and then found I was pregnant, so that put everything to a huge halt. Trust me when I say I re-losing those 30pounds

Until now so far losing 18.10 pounds. I relearning again to breakthrough mental barriers, as Jillian Michaels would say it's mind over body. I have push myself farther then I would actually let myself go. Just the other day I was walking with my daughter around the neighborhood, I was thinking oh maybe someday I could run. Well out of nowhere, I just started running, I thought "Oh wow I can do this." I ran and speed walked around the block twice, I was so proud of myself! Still am!

Trust me I have those days where I don't want to do anything, and I still drag myself to exercise. I keep doing it, I keep pushing myself to progress. Otherwise I couldn't break through my plateau. :)

So push yourself, break through your barriers and realize your goals!

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